Natalee Holloway: A Case That Captivated The Nation

Changing His Story


John Ludwick had originally told the informant Gabriel that he had recovered Natalee’s remains from the National Forest to cremate them. However, during the filmed sting operation revealed on The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway, he since switched his story, stating that her body was never in the National Forest. In his new recollection, he claims that he removed her remains from an area near his aunt’s rental property, down a dirt path, on the top of a very large and steep hill. He describes the area in very specific detail, creating a verbal map to the location.

John And Joran: More Than Friends


John admits on tape that he looks up to Joran. In fact, he seems to idolize him. He is very impressed by how Joran handles himself during press conferences. He especially loves how cocky Joran is during his interviews. He even refers to himself as being “obsessed” with Joran. This paints John as someone very willing to do whatever Joran asked of him. John then reveals that he and Joran had in fact been more than friends… they were lovers, having been intimate on numerous occasions.

He even goes so far as to defend his lover’s motives by stating that it wasn’t Joran’s fault for killing Natalee; it was her fault for egging him on.