Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Holmes’ Hotel Designed to Foster Murder

It’s no surprise that the World’s Fair Hotel never really opened as an actual functioning hotel for guests, but what’s surprising is that no one building the actual hotel seemed to pick up on the fact that it was literally the most murderous place in existence. But perhaps people just didn’t ask questions back then.

Inside the murder hotel

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The rooms of Holmes’ Murder Castle were equipped with every feature you would need to torture and kill another human being. There was no other possible purpose. The hotel was packed with stairs that lead to nowhere, 51 doorways that opened to brick walls, and locks that sealed people in their rooms – but that’s not all. If you have seen the season of American Horror Story which revolved around the haunted hotel, you can only imagine that for Holmes’ victims that must have been a very real experience full of the most unimaginable horrors a human could ever have faced.

An artist’s rendering of the inside of the hotel