Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

In Two Places At Once?

This might lead you to think: But H.H. Holmes couldn’t have had the time to commit the murders in London if he was busy building his ‘Hotel of Horrors.’ While this point may be true, records show that Holmes may have been able to find the time to be in London.


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Five women known as the “Canonical Five” are believed to be victims of Jack the Ripper. They were killed from late August to early November of the year 1888. Holmes purchased the land that was the future home of his Chicago Murder Castle in July of that same year, however, construction of it didn’t even begin until 1889. Records show that Holmes wasn’t even in Chicago during the winter months of 1888, so he may very well have been in London. It is hard to tell exactly where H.H. Holmes was located during this time, and it was very well known that Holmes liked to travel around.

Article about Holmes