Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Holmes’s Connection To London

We know what you’re thinking: If Jack the Ripper was in London, then he couldn’t have been the American H.H. Holmes. However, there are some points of interest that may lead you to believe the impossible. While studying at the University of Michigan, Holmes made a friend in Edmund Buckley.


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Edmund Buckley just so happened to have hailed from a wealthy family in Whitechapel. Yes, that’s right, the same district that the Jack the Ripper murders occurred. After they became fast friends, Buckley became Holmes’s partner-in-crime, as he helped Holmes with his numerous insurance fraud schemes and also helped sell corpses to medical facilities. Because Holmes had someone to assist him in his schemes, it wouldn’t be far off to assume that he instructed Buckley to commit the Jack the Ripper murders in London. Or perhaps Holmes and Buckley bounded over a more sadistic hobby than what was originally thought – murdering people.

Edmund Buckley