Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Strange Relations

Claire Fanelle said she found the Bible, which was previously owned by her mother, while she was cleaning. The Bible itself already was stuffed with numerous newspaper clippings. Fanelle’s son was the one who found the note, and “the two of us look at each other like, ‘This is weird,’” Fanelle told reporters.

Father Patrick J. Dailey

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The priest to whom the note is addressed, Father Patrick J. Dailey, is the first cousin of Fanelle’s great-grandfather and his church was located close to where Holmes was hanged. Fanelle theorized that “When he came to walk him to the gallows he probably handed him the Bible back with that inscription in it.” Fanelle’s theory seems likely as any other as there seem to be few other credible reasons why the letter would be where it was found. It is extremely interesting to find out how Holmes was possibly feeling in some of his final moments before is execution.

A photo of Holmes’ letter