Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

A Haunting Discovery

In 2017, Daily Mail reported about Claire Fanelle, of New Jersey, that found a very particular note tucked away in a Bible. The note was dated May 7, 1896 and read, “Dear Father Dailey, I must write and make you know the kind feelings I have for you… I need your prayers after my death. With all of my heart.”

Holmes’ signature

More details…

The signature at the bottom of the note belonged to none other than “H.H. Holmes.” Most of the note was illegible but Fanelle and her family were at least able to decipher that Holmes requested prayers in the wake of his execution. Is it possible that Holmes actually did have real human feelings? Or possibly Holmes was simply afraid for himself, particularly with the weight of all of the horrifying crimes he committed throughout his life. If he was asking for prayers, perhaps he thought he would be damned to hell. There is no way to know what Holmes feelings really were and if they were authentic or if the letter was just another scam he had in the works.

Clair Fanelle