Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Running From His Truth

Because Holmes was a con artist who was constantly lying, he moved cities plenty of times to avoid getting caught. Just as much as he moved, he got married and at one point was married to three different women at once! As previously mentioned, his first wife Clara left him and had little contact with him since.

One of Holmes’ wives

More details…

Almost nine years later in 1887, Holmes married Myrta Belknap and at this time he sought a divorce from Clara, but it was never finalized. Seven years later, he moved to Denver where he married Georgiana Yoke. While the divorce from Clara was never finalized, it might be easy to assume that Georgiana didn’t know about Myrta. By the time of his death in 1896, he was still legally married to all three women. So in addition to be a horrifying serial murderer, the man was also a bigamist. It’s safe to say that H.H. Holmes was likely a sociopath with no care for the feelings or emotions of other people.

A photo of Myrta Belknap