Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

The Evidence: Piles of Bones, Bloody Clothes

After tearing through Holmes’ Murder Castle, police found a pile of animal and human bones. It was discovered that some of these bones likely belonged to a child between ages six and eight. Police also found a pile of women’s clothes covered in dried blood next to the dissection table.

A newspaper article discussing the murders

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On the third floor, police found a gold chain and women’s shoe in a large stove. On this relatively small evidence alone, police were able to connect Holmes to nine murders. However, Holmes later confessed to killing nearly 30 people. Although, it later turned out that some of the people Holmes claimed to have killed were still alive. It will probably never be known the actual number of people that H.H. Holmes actually murdered. Some estimate that the number of people he murdered was much greater than what he admitted to and there is no way to find out the truth about what occurred so many years ago.

The scene of the crime