Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Holmes Murdered His Victims in Numerous Ways

Holmes murdered his victims a number of different ways, but they all ended up in the same place. His hotel was a cacophony of terror – why choose one way to kill? From the way he constructed his murder hotel it is clear that Holmes truly delighted in terrifying and torturing his victims.

Corpses in a morgue

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Holmes would start by luring victims into his labyrinth of murder. He would then track their movements with silent alarms and the like. Actually, if it wasn’t such a terrifying place it would almost be an impressive feat. Sometimes he would play a game of cat and mouse, watching them get lost in the series of staircases and doors to nowhere, and sometimes he’d be a bit more kind and let them die immediately of asphyxiation or hang them in his hanging chamber. In some cases, he’d trap his victims in a chamber and let them die of starvation and thirst.

Inside the murder hotel