Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Inside the Hotel’s Murder Suites

Beyond your basic, run-of-the-mill murder room, Holmes had a few special rooms in the World’s Fair Hotel that were extra, extra creepy. For instance, one room was completely sealed up by brick. The room literally had no doors and the only way to access it was through a trap door in the ceiling.

An actual photo of the hotel

More details…

If guests, or victims, fell through the trap door they would be unable to escape. Although, it’s unlikely they would simply “fall” through and far more likely they would be forced. An upwards of 100 rooms had no windows. Holmes was particularly proud of the second floor of the hotel. This is where he had what he dubbed the “Secret Hanging Chamber.” As you could probably guess, this was used to hang people. We’re not sure if they were tied up and tortured or merely hanged by the neck but whatever method was used it’s hard to imagine a more heinous place to find yourself trapped in.

A close-up photo of the hotel from the 1800s