Kids Who Can Adult Better Than All Of Us

Getting older means realizing that adults are just kids who are pretending to have their lives together. We used to think our parents had all the answers, and now that we’ve reached adulthood, we have no idea how they managed to do taxes and run a household.

There really should be a Tax 101 class offered in high school. Maybe then we wouldn’t all be so hopeless. Good thing these kids exist to show us how it’s done. Read ahead for kids more impressive at 12 than you are at 32, a little girl who can bake with the best of ’em, and pint-sized entrepreneurs who will give you a run for your money.

Clean Sweep


Photo Credit: @pernilladverstam / Instagram

How many times have you gone to adjust your TV only to realize that your console was full of dust? And how many times did you actually clean said dust? That’s what I thought.

These kids are doing a better job at keeping their house clean than all of us. I need to get me one of those colorful dusters.