Inventors Who Maybe Should’ve Read The Manual Of Their Own Invention That Ended Up Killing Them

Since the beginning of humankind, we have been inventing things. People like Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell have made invaluable contributions to humanity. There’s something ingrained in humans that cause us to take dangerous risks and try new things, hoping that they make the world a better place.

But with every great invention that we see today, there are many more which were either epic fails or just very stupid. For some inventors, their own invention turned out to be the cause of their own demise. Whether it be technical flaws that popped up during a test or the idea was bound to fail from the beginning — there are many ways to be killed by your own “baby”. Here’s a list of inventors who were tragically killed by their own inventions.

Marie Curie

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Popularly known as Madame Curie, she was one of the four scientists who got the Nobel Prize two different times. She was awarded one in Physics and later she would receive one for chemistry. She was a renowned physicist and chemist of Polish origin. The harmful effects of exposure to the experiments she was conducting, which helped her develop the theory of radioactivity, were not known at the time.

Curie was diagnosed with aplastic anemia which was the cause of her death. Even her personal possessions were exposed to the radiations as she carried radium in her pockets and kept in her drawer.