Interesting Mysteries From Around The World

The Parthenon

The Greek Parthenon is a former temple built in 438 BC that was dedicated to the goddess Athena. There are many questions related to the creation of the Parthenon. For one, it’s unclear how the ancient Greeks, with only access to primitive tools and resources, were able to transport the marble from Mount Pentelicus to the site.


It’s also remarkable that the builders were able to create such a precise and accurate structure without the help of modern technology. The workers were somehow able to construct the Parthenon with incredible proportions and form, something that would be challenging even today. Experts still don’t know how they did it.

Kenneth Arnold’s UFO Sighting

On June 24, 1947, a man named Kenneth Arnold was flying a private plane near Mount Rainier when he claimed to see nine unidentified flying objects in the sky. He estimated they were traveling at a staggering 1,200 miles per hour.


Arnold was interviewed by the press the next day, and the news of the suspected sighting went nationwide. Over the following few weeks, several other people came forward with their own UFO sightings. After the incident, the terms “flying saucer” and “flying disc” became common vernacular for describing UFOs.

Arnold believed that if they weren’t military vessels, than they were extraterrestrial in origin. Possible theories are that they were actually clouds of snow or even spots of water on the airplane’s windows.