Interesting Mysteries From Around The World

The Location Of A Lost Inca City

Paititi is a legendary lost Inca city that is said to be full of gold and other valuable items. The city is reportedly located somewhere east of the Andes. Some believe it is tucked inside the remote rain forests of southeast Peru, northern Bolivia or southwest Brazil.


According to Peruvian legend, the hero Inkarri founded Q’ero and Cusco before relocating to the jungles of Pantiacolla to live the rest of his life in Paititi. Another version of the legend describes the city as an Inca refuge located between the borders of Bolivia and Brazil.

There have been dozens of expeditions spearheaded by those hoping to find the lost city. None have succeeded.

The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich manuscript has been carbon-dated to the early 15th century. It is an illustrated, hand-written codex with an unknown writing system that was possibly created in Northern Italy during the Renaissance.


Experts, including cryptographers and code breakers, have been unable to decipher the text in the manuscript. Many people have tried to determine its purpose. Some believe it relates to early modern medicine due to the various botanical illustrations. However, that’s only one section of the book.

There are actually six sections: astronomical, biological, cosmological, herbal, pharmaceutical, and recipes. There are many theories about the book’s origin, none of which have been proven.