Interesting Mysteries From Around The World

A Cow’s North/South Eating Habits

Google Earth has introduced some interesting observations to the world. One is particularly strange: scientists have only recently discovered that cows face either north or south when eating. Apparently, eating while looking east or west just doesn’t happen.


There are a couple of theories for the bovines’ unusual eating habits. One is that the animals can sense magnetic north or south and are naturally drawn toward these directions. This is true for naked mole rats, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

The other theory is that the cows are avoiding the way the wind blows, which rarely happens from the north or the south.

The Identity Of The Babushka Lady

“The Babushka Lady” was present at President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas, on Nov. 22, 1963. It’s believed she may have photographed the events surrounding the incident at Dealey Plaza. Eyewitnesses spotted her holding a camera, and film accounts also show her wearing a head scarf and seemingly filming the procession.


In one video, she is seen still standing with a camera at her face after shots were fired and most people around her took cover. Neither she nor the film she may have taken has ever been identified. In every photograph or video, her face is either obscured by her camera or she’s looking away. It’s unclear whether she was involved in the assassination.