Interesting Mysteries From Around The World

D.B. Cooper’s Identity

On Nov. 24, 1971, an unidentified man hijacked a Boeing 727 between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. The FBI gave into his ransom demands — $200,000 in unmarked bills (or $1,180,000 in today’s terms). The hijacker then parachuted out of the plane.

The media dubbed the man “D.B. Cooper.” Most experts believe he probably did not survive the jump from the airplane. However, that didn’t stop authorities from searching for answers for the next 45 years.

The bureau has had over 1,000 “serious suspects” in the case over the years. The FBI closed its active investigation of the case in 2016.


Sacsayhuaman is an ancient town near Cuzco, Peru, that was partially built by the Killke before the Inca inhabited the area. Structures in the town date back 1,000 years.


Although experts have been able to identify the date of the structures and determine that they were custom built, they do not know how the stones were moved. The structure is built on the mountainside and is very stable despite the lack of mortar to keep them together. In addition, some of the stones weigh a staggering 175 tons.

In 2008, archaeologists discovered additional ruins in the area. Some were ceremonial in nature, but their exact function is unknown.