Interesting Mysteries From Around The World

Why Some People Are Left Handed

About 10 percent of the world’s population is left handed. These individuals favor using their left hand in daily activities, including writing and throwing a ball. People who are left handed often struggle to use everyday items mass produced for right-handed people, including scissors and cameras.


In the past, people who were left handed were often considered cursed and unlucky.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure why most people are right handed while only a small percentage are left handed. The trait tends to run in families, so scientists believe there may be a genetic component; however, they haven’t conclusively determined that there’s a gene related to left handedness.

Naga Fireball/Mekong Lights

Citizens of southeast Asia have regularly witnessed an unusual occurrence on the Mekong River, which they have dubbed “bung fai paya nak.” They report seeing glowing balls of fire rising from the water into the air. The objects have been described as red in color, and they range in size from sparklers to basketballs.


According to witnesses, the fireballs (thousands of them) can fly up to several hundred feet into the air before vanishing.

It’s possible that flammable phosphine gas from the marshy water is the cause of these fireballs. However, it’s unlikely they would spontaneously ignite. There is no clear explanation for their origin.