Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Titanic Reenactment

First Leo loses a crazy fight to a wild bear and now they portray him as a lowly goldfish. At least in this one, he won’t have to die because he won’t sink and he can simply just swim away. The concern here should lie with the puppy because who knows if she will fall off the debris.


This Photoshop job is a bit complex, but you can easily get the idea of it. If it were not for the sinking ship in the background it may have been hard to make out what this was even about, with the cold hue it has to it.

Kissing to the Gold

You have to add theatrics to your couples ice skating routine to bolster your score. You cannot just go out there and skate well. That is not enough these days. Why not throw in a kiss to spruce up the emotional value of your performance? The crowd will love it and the judges would get a kick out of it too.


This one is almost as good as the skydiving one. And quite frankly, putting animal heads on the body of humans will always be comical. The only question is, how did whoever made this know the dog was a guy?