Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Skydiving Romantics

This is for those who will go the distance just to show they are in love. The symmetry during the fall is flawless as well, as is the way the helmet fits so snugly on the head of the fish. They may be so into it, that they might forget to pull the string for their parachutes!


From this angle, the puppy kind of favors a younger Tom Cruise. Now when you look at the photo, it makes you wonder if the woman was even Photoshopped in and that image of the guy is, in fact, Tom Cruise from a Mission Impossible scene.

Kiss the Tank

You know we are not supposed to tap the glass of a fish tank. Is it okay to, let’s say, kiss it? The puppy does not care about rules obviously and proceeds to kiss the tank with no questions asked. Hopefully, the tank was cleaned properly before the puppy did this.


This Photoshop job was quite simple and could actually be completed on paint. It just looks like it was rotated a certain direction then the danger sign was added on the side. Just find one of those images on Google and crop it to fit how you want. You are now a photo editor.