Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Hungrier Dog

Hungry fish, meet the hungry dog. Perhaps this was the puppy’s plan the whole time. We think the puppy just wanted a kiss, but it could have been just deprived of food that day and wanted to see what all the rave was about goldfish. Probably found out that these were not the same goldfish crackers.


Well, the fish was almost completely cropped out of the image with only his tail remaining. That’s talented work right there because the spot where the fish should be placed is edited so well it looks like nothing was meant to be there to begin with. Those Photoshoppers can do anything.

The Jealous Fish

Goodness gracious, the girlfriend of this fish has a frying pan in her hand and she is not afraid to use it! Didn’t someone teach the goldfish or the dog that cheating never got you anywhere? Someone is about to cracked pretty hard and it looks like it might be the cute little puppy!


Let’s dissect this situation, shall we? Upon further review, we see that the ladyfish is coming to smack the puppy. When really she should be slamming the other fish for creeping around. Maybe she will handle him after the dog gets dealt with, but that should have been her first target.