Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Happily ever after

This is the day you will cherish forever, your wedding day. Capturing the moment of your first kiss after being officially wed is something you have to do and it looks like the photographer got the job done perfectly. The background is very scenic and it captures the moment just right.


To think about this must have been funny for the person whoever came up with it. “You know what, I’m going to make these two animals have a wedding,” must have been the conversation the artists had with his or herself. Adding the scenic background must have been a task also.

Hungry Fish

This puppy chose the wrong goldfish to try and get a peck from. Clearly, the fish had a huge appetite. You have to feel sorry for the puppy at this point because all it was trying to do was be sweet. Kind of like when your girlfriend snaps at you and you do not know what you did wrong.


It could possibly be that the fish can just be getting a sample of the puppy. Have you ever seen the teeth of a goldfish? How will it even be able to eat this dog? Again, another great Photoshop job here.