Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Art Kiss

This is a very classy image right here. You have to have a particular taste or set of knowledge to even know about this. It is called Echo and Narcissus. There is supposed to a be a man in place of the puppy and he is simply in love with his own reflection as the woman watches.


Nice adjustment to add the fish to this Greek mythology painting. The basis of this painting is that the man, who is supposed to be where the dog is, rejects sexuality (presumably the half nude woman) and falls for his own reflection. Ironic that the dog is getting a kiss.

Kanye, Cameras, Fishes

You may be aware that Kanye West is no fan of the paparazzi. That makes this image so much funnier due to the cameraman posted right next to Kanye. He also has a hoodie on underwater which is not particularly practical in any situation. What’s up with that, Kanye?


There are several reasons why Kanye is not fond of the paparazzi and privacy is one of those reasons. We can assume no one would want to see him giving a fish a kiss! Kudos to this photoshop guru because if Kanye sees this image, it will be one more thing for him to rant about.