Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Farewell Kiss

Now this one is pure genius. The fish is devastated that her man, er… the dog is going away and wants one last kiss goodbye. The train begins to pull away slowly and as it picks up speed the fish gets frantic and sprints after him for one final farewell.


There are many black and white train and bus photos of people kissing like this one, so it is hard to tell exactly which one it originates from. That does not discredit the creativity of the person who made this Photoshop. It is a feel good story in real life and turned into a funny image online.

Kiss Cam!

Wow, the two made their way all the way to the Staples Center! Hopefully, this was before Kobe Bryant retired so they got to see LA’s GOAT before he left. While they were enjoying the game, they got spotlighted by the kiss cam. Sometimes that could be embarrassing, but they took full advantage.


If you notice, it even says this took place on Valentines Day. How romantic of the person who made this image to do that for the puppy and fish. People get more and more creative as the days go by and this is a prime example.