Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

The Shark wants a Kiss

Poor puppy, she doesn’t know that she is about to get eaten alive! In the last Photoshop image, the puppy was completely gone, but in this one, it is the fish that has been replaced. And not replaced with a human but with a life-threatening predator. Do think sharks would eat a puppy if given the chance?


The commentary for this is simple, the shark smelled blood near the dock and the puppy was simply looking at her reflection in the water. Moments later, the shark comes up and spots the innocent puppy and the rest is left up to your imagination.

If Roles were Switched

Whoever did this one has skills and a slight sense of humor. The idea itself is not as funny as the other ones which is why the person only has a slight sense of humor.


If you showed this to a little kid they may be amused and wouldn’t stop bugging you until you take them to the water so they can try and spot a swimming dog and land-dwelling fish. Would you have it in you to break their hearts and tell them this does not exist and it is just a fake picture? Don’t show this one to the kids.