Forbidden: The Fish And Puppy Romance That Took Over The Internet!

Sailor and the Fish

The fish dog just got back from war and he was vehemently looking for his lady! Once he laid his eyes on her he couldn’t take his paws off. All in the middle of traffic, too. Everybody watching is in awe and all are equally happy for Mr. Dog.


This is an iconic photo based on a moment when WWII had ended. The kiss itself was not a romantic one, it was more of a celebratory kiss. Nothing wrong with that, but that information was not revealed until decades later when the people kissing were finally found and interviewed. Let’s just say the dog and fish are celebrating too.

Photoshop Creations

As you can see, the world wide web and those who inhabit it cannot resist turning something so adorable to something totally different. From the Kanye West one to the dog eating the fish, some of these ideas were completely off-the-wall.


Maybe some of these people can use their talents to try and get a job making crazy Photoshopped images. Some of them did not even look like they were edited and a few companies could use a talent like that for their business ventures. One thing that can be agreed on is that the original image is something that rates at a 10 on the cuteness scale.