Artificial Intelligence Will Absolutely Take Over The World If Parents Keep Using Technology Like This
We have to hand it to the parents of the world. They’ve come a long way with technology from where they started. Gen X was the first generation to grow up with technology but that didn’t help their baby boomer parents pick it up any quicker. These parents are just making it easier for robots to take over our jobs (and then the world).
We’ve put a man on the moon, invented self-driving cars, and have the entire internet in our back pocket, yet our moms still can’t send a proper text message. One woman can’t even grasp the concept of an iPhone camera. These parents are so bad at technology that they’ll probably be the first to go when the robots take over.
Never Read The Comment Section

Photo credit: @AlexSteinman/Twitter
Facebook: can’t live with it, can’t live without out. There must be a way to stay connected even if you can’t handle the technology,
This woman figured it out by printing 15 pages of Facebook comments to read on her subway ride. She must not know the only way to completely ruin a day is to step into the comments section on Facebook.