There are some men in this world who are very confused about the way women actually work. Women are strange creatures with strange hormones. Men don't seem to know what we want or what we are.
Keep reading to see some people who are very confused about half of the human population. Women aren't really these magical, complex creatures, no matter how hard the world tries to tell us that we're special emotional unicorns.
What A Girl Wants
Photo Credit: galinula / Reddit
I can promise you from the bottom of my heart that no woman in the whole world has ever wished that her chips were less crunchy. Chips are supposed to be crunchy.
Yeah, sometimes they're annoying to eat during a meeting, but I'd rather just eat my chips when it's ok to be noisy than eat a stale, non-crunchy chip.
Works Every Time
Photo Credit: 1251itsthetimethati / Reddit
This is a little bit true for all humans who aren't allergic to chocolate. I don't appreciate being told (by a pillow, no less) that only women like chocolate.
Everyone likes chocolate. How about, if a woman is upset, ask her what's bothering her and have a conversation about it.
This Window Display Is So Confusing
Photo Credit: 1251itsthetimethati / Reddit
I have so many questions. Is this how women are supposed to dress when they go to the grocery store? Why is this clothing store using groceries to appeal to women in 2018?
And why aren't all grocery store shelves stocked in rainbow order?
This One Just Rustles My Jimmies
Photo Credit: systoliq / Reddit
There are so many things wrong with this picture, I don't even know where to start. I guess let's start with the obvious. You can be a female doctor or a male nurse. These people exist.
Also, I don't really appreciate that these parents are pushing their kid down a particular career path before he or she is even born.
Just Some Things Women Carry In Their Purse
Photo Credit: dontgofargo / Reddit
Ok, this one is actually hilarious. No, women do not keep periods of any kind in their bags. That would just be unsanitary.
I have to say, I don't carry jewelry around in my bag that often. Why is money on this list twice?
Accurate Grafitti
Photo Credit: migvelio / Reddit
I love everything about this gorgeous work of street art. Look at those stamps. Look how they're placed in just the right stamp sort of way.
Respect women because women are people, and people are worthy of respect, not because you think they owe you something.
This Is A Joke, Right?
Photo Credit: 1251itsthetimethati / Reddit
There is some controversy about this poster on the internet, and maybe not in the way you'd expect. Some people seem to think that it is a fake joke ad that references the film
Fried Green Tomatoes.
Others think that it has nothing to do with the movie. Add your two cents in the comments. This can't be real, right?
This Is So Cringey
Photo Credit: kramaerica / Reddit
Hate to break it to you bro, but this is how places with Micros retail systems do all of their to-go orders. All to-go orders have "phone #" on the cheque.
She's not into you. She's probably not shy either.
Keep reading to find out what men think women want.
A Precursor To That Whole "Bic Pen For Women" Thing
Photo Credit: Jerrie90 / Reddit
Apparently, women have needed women-sized pens for women-sized hands for way longer than we thought.
That picture is in black and white, so I guess we'll never know what color those pens were. I bet they were pink. Pink is a color that only women like.
This Is A Little Bit Funny And A Lot Not True
Photo Credit: CarelessCourier / Reddit
I think this guy is a little bit confused. Introversion and depression are not the same things.
Introversion and extroversion exist on a spectrum, but how introverted you are is not determined by gender. I dunno, maybe he should see a psychiatrist or something.
Girls Definitely Only Look At Height To Determine Attractiveness
Photo Credit: turn_down_for_the_butt / Reddit
Raise your hand if you think a man under 5'7 wrote this. Look, short guys, I'm going to tell you a secret. Women aren't really attracted to men who aren't self-assured.
Learn to be okay with your height. I promise nobody cares about how short you are as much as you do.
Look How Much Fun The Whole Family Is Having
Photo Credit: JAK1988 / Reddit
The mom and the daughter are having so much fun watching the boys play games while they wash the dishes. Isn't Battleship a wholesome family game?
It's so nice when you can pretend to destroy your son's fleet of ships while your wife and daughter tend to your every need.
Everything About This Passage From Starship Troopers
Photo Credit: ImmaCoolCatMom / Reddit
When I first read this passage, I thought it was written by some internet troll. It's actually from
Starship Troopers, a military sci-fi novel written in 1959.
As a woman, I can confirm, we all walk like those wacky waving inflatable tube men outside of car dealerships.
How About You Try Having Your Organs Cut Open
Photo Credit: Jerrie90 / Reddit
Yeah, in the moment, if it's not an emergency, a C-section can be less dramatic than a natural birth. The recovery though? That's no joke.
Face the facts: if you had a baby in you, and the baby came out in some way, then you gave birth.
I Guess I Have To Throw Away My Zebra Plant Now
Photo Credit: likeneelyohara / Reddit
I'm pretty sure that both men and women can like whatever succulents they want to like. Gendering plants is just a conspiracy to sell double the amount of plants.
Plant seller, you can chill. Everybody likes plants now. Plants are trending IRL.
Apparently, Girls Do Not Like To Be Loved
Photo Credit: AgressiveAdeptness / Reddit
They're kind of both wrong. Watching these guys argue about women is like watching two fish argue about the best way to run a marathon.
You know nothing, Jon Snow. Talk to me when you're not twelve anymore.
Keep reading to see a man who is really confused about that time of the month.
All Women Die After They Run Out Of Eggs
Photo Credit: BradyH4 / Reddit
Women absolutely do not die immediately after they run out of eggs. I'm not sure where this guy is getting his information from, but women can live a good forty years past menopause.
There is so much wrong with this statement that I'm afraid for the future of humanity.
Pistols And Pearls
Photo Credit: 1251isthetimethati / Reddit
Honestly, "tractors in tiaras" would be a nice alternative to
Toddlers in Tiaras. I'd rather see a John Deere tractor wearing a shiny crown than a three-year-old in full glam makeup getting judged on her poise.
I never thought I'd miss boring old pink and blue.
You're Joking, Right?
Photo Credit: DumSpiroSpero3 / Reddit
Judging by his profile picture, I'm 99% sure that this guy is trolling. I really hope that he doesn't actually believe twelve-year-olds should be bearing children.
Twitter is a strange place. Let's leave newly pubescent pre-teens out of it. Show some respect.
I Use Men's Razors All The Time
Photo Credit: Reddituser55119 / Reddit
Ladies, here's a pro-tip — always use men's razors. They're better and sharper and they have more blades and they're less expensive.
Don't use men's shampoo, though. That stuff will make you turn to stone for sure. Same goes for that hardcore blue body wash.