You Don’t Understand Fashion Until You’ve Seen These Hilarious Outfits

The trends in the fashion world are fluid and ever-changing. It seems that as soon as you have it, you don't, and vice-versa. It's become a form of art that confuses most of us but we still pretend that we're "hip" with what's relevant.

Fashion trends that were big in the 70s and 80s are slowly coming back, while outrageous moments in time (like when we idolized Crocs) are thankfully removing themselves from our everyday life. If you think you know fashion, this list is for you. If you don't know anything about fashion, then this list is really really for you. Enjoy, and take notes.

This Is The Collab Outfit

It takes a specifically talented model to be able to pull off a look like this. This is a combination of 2003 swag, with Victorian-era ruffles. This guy is dressed to go to the grade eight dance at the community center, and then take a red-eye straight to an opera house.


Got A Stain? Turn It Around


Here's the scenario — you're out for some cheap spaghetti on a Tuesday and you're wearing your best top. You look down and see that you spilled all over the front and it's not coming off. You don't have a change of clothing so what do you do? Easy. You turn your shirt around and continue on like nothing is happening.


Dress For Your Body Type


The most important thing to think about when buying new clothing is about the fit. Almost every body-type in the world has clothes that are geared towards fitting them. Therefore, when we see someone dressed like this we can only assume that they are severely disproportioned.


The Most Terrifying Ring Award Goes To


As much as I want to say that we shouldn't be taking any fashion advice from the 17th century, you never know what Ana Wintour will be putting into Vogue for 2018. This ring would give Freddy Kreuger nightmares. It would make Jigsaw from the Saw movies turn that tricycle around.