‘When You See It’ Moments That Deserve A Second Look

Our attention spans are pretty short these days.

Sometimes, it takes us awhile to find something that will grab our attention for more than 10 seconds. Whether it’s scrolling through your timeline or flipping through channels, good luck sticking to anything for very long. Basically, whenever someone takes a photo, looking for what’s hanging around in the background is more fun than any Where‘s Waldo. Especially if it’s dog-human morphed into looking like Irish musician Glen Hassard. What you’re about to see will make you glimpse at the photo more than once.

Long Arms For A Lanky Kid

Long Arms For A Lanky Kid.jpg

The kid in the middle clearly started puberty way before the rest of the kids in the group. It looks as though he has very extended arms, but it’s just a seamless transition between all the other kids who spread their wings as well. By the time they’re 18-years old, the kid in the middle is going to dunk all over them.