Times When Dads Were Being, Well, Dads, And It Was Absolutely Hilarious

What is there to say about dads? Not only are they your number one fan, but they’re also a self-proclaimed comedian and washed-up high school athlete. They think they’re funnier than anyone you see on TV and they would’ve made it to the big leagues if their pinky finger didn’t give out in ’77.

Don’t even get me started on the daily vendetta to embarrass you in public and more importantly, in front of your friends. If this sounds like your dad, sit back and enjoy this list, which dives into the daddiest of dad jokes.

You Can Never Be Too Prepared For Your Daughter Getting Her License

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It’s a terrifying day for any parent. This is pretty much to first step for your little one to step out of the nest and open their wings. Looking back, there were so many things I did wrong when I was learning to drive, and I have no idea how my dad sat through it all.