These People Took All The Time In The World To Make Lemonade Out Of Lemons

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

It's an old saying we've heard countless times. For those of you who think outside of the box, the rest of us can't even imagine how to make anything work out in our life. Whatever the reason it may be, all you can do is actually try and put your mind to it. It's true, if you get off your butt, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. What about that painting you always wanted to bring to life? That's one of the things that should inspire people to make lemonade out of lemons.

When You Don't Have An Iron

Be extra cautious with this one. The floor might be the safest way to iron your shirt, but remember not to overheat the pot. I never thought I would see the day when somebody resorted to this when they don't have an actual iron. Let's hope he's not prepping for a first date.


The Band-Aid For Kids


Wearing an eye patch once a day is tough on toddlers. To make this daughter happy and cheer her up, her parents decided to get creative. They created designs and doodles like the Yoshi drawing on the band-aid. That resulted in one happy toddler and cute eyewear!


Casts Can Be A Fashion Statement Too


What you're seeing is taking a negative and turning into a positive. It's not like the one in math class, but having a cast in the summer sucks. To make things better, this person had friends draw the cast as if it were a shoe designed by Nike. Someone shoot this over to the company!


Slow And Steady Wins The Race


When you take your time with things, you can accomplish anything, especially when it comes to painting a cool giraffe. This should be put on display in art museums. There's at least a chance of the painting being bought for a good price. Heck, not even my tenth-grade art teacher couldn't pull this off.