These People Literally Ruined Everything And Honestly Same
Everyone messes up sometimes, that's just part of life. We learn, we keep our heads up, and most importantly, we bounce back. Well, unless you're one of the poor souls in this article, anyway. Like the couple who ruined their night out in one second flat, there's no bouncing back for some people.
That's...Not How That Works

You know the nice thing about frozen pizza? Even if you're an awful cook, it's still pretty hard to screw them up. That is, unless you're this person, who apparently doesn't know how to place a pizza on the rack. Way to go, dude — not only did you ruin the late night snack, you ruined your oven, too.
Your Legs Don't Work?

Want to know the fastest way to make your family hate you? Ride a hoverboard in the kitchen on Thanksgiving, crash into the oven, and ruin the feast. To add insult to injury, after having to eat at McD's for Thanksgiving, they also have to pay the steep cost of fixing that door.
You Had One Job

Here's another person who should never go near a frozen pizza again. That's a good way to ruin everyone's day — shut down the Interstate for hours by dumping hundreds of pizzas all over it. As you can see in a slide coming up, this pizza delivery guy isn't the only one ruining food.
Hello, Birth Control

Parents put a lot of work into making their little one's nursery perfect, and then Junior goes and ruins everything in a matter of minutes. The only thing more impressive than how destroyed this nursery is, is the fact that the kid made it back into the crib despite being coated in paint.
Pika Pika

Ruining a pizza is bad enough, but then this person had to go permanently ruin his arm with this tattoo. We're not sure if the artist is just that bad, or if the guy actually wanted a Pikachu that looks like he's been living the hard life, but that Pikachu is the stuff of nightmares.
Something's Missing

Dear person who made this abomination — that's not how cheeseburgers work, but congratulations on making the worst burger ever. Not only did you ruin this guy's day by giving him a crappy burger, you've pretty much ruined fast food burgers for us all. At least nothing is charred, unlike the cake you'll see soon.
Breakfast Is Over

The only thing worse than messing up pizza is messing up bacon. Can you imagine a pancake breakfast without bacon? Completely ruined. Of course, if you cook bacon in the microwave, then you kinda deserve this, right? Take this as the bacon's way of saying "Never cook me here" again.
Operation Surprise Party: Fail

We're guessing that the seller who shipped this package is going to receive negative feedback on their eBay profile. Note to seller: when someone specifically asks you to be discreet so as not to ruin the surprise party, maybe you shouldn't post that note on the box, hmm?
Yet Another Birthday Fail

Nothing has the ability to ruin a kid's birthday party quite like a messed up cake, so way to go, Mom. That's an impressive level of burn, though. It totally looks like a flamethrower was used. This mom could probably use a drink, if only the couple coming up hadn't broken the beer mugs.
Step Away From The Stove

Just because the recipe is called "Caramel molten lava cake" doesn't mean it should actually look like molten lava. This person clearly needs to team up with the mom who overcooked the LEGO man cake. Together, they can band together to ruin sweets for the world, one dessert at a time.
What'd I Do?

Dogs are second only to toddlers for their uncanny ability to ruin things. Walk out of the room for thirty seconds and come back to things being destroyed, like this Christmas tree. We love how the dog is sitting behind the destroyed tree, like he had nothing to do with it coming down.
Cheers! Not.

And this, people, is why you stop toasting each other and clinking your mugs after the third beer. It goes to show, though, how a nice night out can truly be ruined in a split second. Unlike the slide coming up, at least no children were scarred for life here.
So Long, Suzanne

We don't know the circumstances under which Suzanne is making her departure from her job, but we do know that her going away party was basically ruined thanks to this cake. The cake decorator's frosting skills are on point, but her comprehension skills as far as instructions go? Not so much.
A Not So Merry Christmas

Want to know a good way to scar a kid for life? Haul Santa away in handcuffs. We don't know why Santa is Ho-Ho-Ho'ing all the way to the slammer, but we do know that those cops look awfully pleased with themselves for ruining Christmas. Hopefully, like Frosty, he'll be back again someday.
I Scream, You Scream...

If you're a parent who is tired of hearing your kids whine about wanting ice cream, then show them this Peppa Pig popsicle and forever ruin ice cream for them. Bonus: they may never ask to watch Peppa on TV again, either.
Put Down The Ramen

Ramen noodles are pretty much a staple food for any college kid, but typically they're cooked using a filthy communal microwave or on an illegal hotplate. Cooking ramen in a sink with hot water is the real crime, though. Thanks for ruining ramen for everyone, kid.
That's A Shocker

We're not electricians, but we're still pretty sure that is not how an electrical outlet is supposed to work. Whoever rigged up this outlet has taken ruining things to a whole new level. Not only is this outlet completely unusable, it's pretty much the worst electrical hazard ever.
Take A Dip

Standing on a dock with your entire wedding party seems like you're just asking for the big day to be ruined. Obviously, that's what happened here, and with the exception of a couple of bridesmaids, everyone else is going to show up to the ceremony absolutely soaked. Next time, stick to dry land.
That's Snow Good

Snow days are either great or awful, depending on whether there's enough of the fluffy stuff to cancel school or work. But snow days when someone stole the doors from your car overnight? Work or no work, your week is pretty much ruined.
Things Fall Apart

Sure, the whole point of Jenga is that someone is going to knock over the tower, but this is in a class of its own. Before now, we're pretty sure that no one has ever ruined a game of Jenga to the point that they'd need to go to the ER to be checked for a head injury. Well done.