These People Hilariously Show What Happens When You Turn Off Your Brain Temporarily

With so much happening in the world, it’s very tempting to just want to shut off your brain and allow your body to go rogue for a while. Thankfully, we usually have the willpower to tell ourselves that’s a bad idea and we end up maintaining brain function.

Fortunately for us, but unfortunately for others, some brains just want to sleep more than others. This results in some hilarious moments of pure idiocy, but we couldn’t be happier for it. This list has compiled some of the best, so enjoy.

Embrace The Smells


Studies show that 90% of people who are “zen” mistake their raw spaghetti for incense. Instead of the soothing smell and energy that is given off by incense, you get a smoky, “dead cat” smell from these noodles. This yoga mom is probably so mad at herself for doing this, but not as mad as she is at her non-vegan son who listens to punk rock.