These People Clearly Didn’t Do Their Research But We’re Thankful For It

Why do your research when you can just go in clueless? Ignorance is bliss, and the less you know the less you have to worry about. For example, if you’re heading into Mcdonald’s for the first time, ALWAYS order the Fillet-o-Fish because it’s the most popular burger on the menu. Boom. Got you, it’s actually the worst selling, but you didn’t do your research so you believed me.

This is a list that is compiled of people who clearly didn’t do their research before participating in a certain endeavor. You’ll like these, trust me.

Coming up, the definition of what a “reptile” is gets a little blurred in the funniest way.

Oh, Interesting?

If You're Not Cheating.jpg

Interesting train of thought that’s not very popular nowadays. I’d be curious to know the statistics on this but I have a feeling that 99.9% of women do not agree with this statement. Interestingly enough, Tiger Woods saw this tweet and immediately hit this girl up for a date. I think they’re going strong.