These People Are Going To Be In A World Of Hurt For A Long While

While some people just want to see the world burn, others are just struggling to get through everyday life alive. Some people just get it, and know the secret to living an anti-clumsy/ productive life. Then there’s the rest of us.

Whether it’s walking down the street without tripping over your own feet, or just trying to eat an ice cream cone without dropping it on the ground — some of us were doomed from the start. If you relate to this, don’t fret because this list will hilariously show you that you’re not alone.

Coming up, a plunger with a convenient attachment is anything but sanitary.

Feeling Abandoned

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This couch is in a world of hurt because it feels betrayed by its owners. Not only did they give this couch NO warning about being evicted, they literally just threw him to the curb which is the most disrespectful thing you could do. This couch went through hell and back during flood season that resulted in many stains. So disappointing.