These People Are Finessing Their Way Through Life In The Best Ways Possible

There are people who just go through life one step at a time trying to disrupt as few people as possible. These are your friends who are just always there but not really there, if you catch my drift. Okay, let me put this a different way — they’re boring.

On the other hand, there are people who go through life finding the little tips and tricks that keep their lives spicy. These are the fun friends. The friends who get more creative with every step they take and continue to beat the system whenever the system deserves to be beaten. Here are those friends.

Clarity Matters

Not A Cop.jpg

When regular civilians drive around in cars that look like undercover cop cars, it just ruins the flow of traffic. Everyone slows down and pretends like they don’t drive with their knees while drinking two coffees at once, meanwhile the person in the car is named Carl and he’s a plumber.