The Most Clever Puns The Internet Has To Offer
Are you someone who can come up with a pun for pretty much any situation? If so, then you're sure to love this collection of the best puns that can be found online. There is one pun in particular that will simultaneously leave you in hysterics and kind of scared. If you're a soon-to-be dad, take notes, because you'll need a few of these in your back pocket for embarrassing your kids down the way.
That's Fresh

Even if you're someone who groans at puns, you can't help but laugh at this one. Simple, but still oh so clever. It's probably a good thing that this witty soul left a sign explaining the pun so (hopefully) no one would fix the display for a little while.
That's The Holiday Spirit

Can you figure out this Christmas-related pun without any help? If not, here's a hint -- that's a missile with a toe on top. Mistletoe! This was created with a 3-D printer, and we'd love to hang this up over the door frame at our Christmas party and see what happens.
They're On A Roll

This is probably the only time that we'd approve wasting two loaves of bread. Any other time, wasting all of those yummy carbs would get a death stare from us, but this is definitely worth it. If you enjoyed this pun, then you'll love the rock and roll bread-related pun coming up.
Yo, VIP, Let's Kick It!

People who grew up in the 80s and 90s should get this pun right away. If you're too young to remember the one-hit wonder Vanilla Ice, this is a play on the song "Ice, Ice, Baby," which we recommend you check out immediately after finishing this slideshow.
Hannibal The Cannibal, Is That You?

We've gotta give this grandpa mad props for his choice of Halloween costume. Not only is it original, it's super clever. The pun is pretty obvious, but if you're having a brain fart, it's "cereal killer." Hopefully, he puts away what looks like a real knife before the kiddos come trick-or-treating.
Rock And Roll All Nite

Yes, the pun here is French Kiss. And, yes, that title was chosen just because it has the word "roll" in it. Never before has a loaf of French bread and mime paint been so edgy -- Gene Simmons would be proud. Keep reading to see a clever, but dangerous, pun.
Lettuce Take A Moment Of Silence

All this Titanic-related pun is missing is a little Leonardo DiCaprio figure at the front screaming, "I'm king of the world!" We only hope that if the creators of this pun decide to go the full nine yards with the Titanic theme, they'll make a door big enough to hold Rose and Jack.
Close, But No Cigar

Speaking of veggie related puns, can you figure out this one? It's a much cheaper version of Beats by Dre. These beets will only run you about $1.00 per pound, although we can't guarantee much in the way of a good sound (or looking cool).
Can You Hear Me Now?

While we love the pun, we're pretty sure that we don't want to know how it came about that this guy's phone was shot. Whatever happened, though, we're betting that the warranty won't cover this. Speaking of crime-ridden puns, check out an adorable pun in a slide coming up.
You've Got Thyme

He's got thyme on his hands -- a lot of it. Somewhere someone's mom or wife is pretty ticked off about her spice rack being raided, but we feel like the sacrifice of this thyme was worth it. Just a word of sage advice -- use that thyme to up your pasta sauce game.
May The Force Be With Him

Is there anything better than a Star Wars pun? We don't think so, and as you can see, the force is with the driver of this Toyota truck. Considering that "Toyoda" truck appears to be an older model, the driver probably needs all the help he can get.
Stop, Thief!

Otters are the cutest animal by far in the weasel family, and this little guy can steal from us any day. We probably wouldn't even try to stop him if he attempted to make off with our bagged lunch. In an upcoming slide, you'll get to see one of the most clever puns in this slideshow.
That's So Wrong

This one might take a few seconds to get, but when you do, you'll think it's as brilliant as we do. Still thinking? Here's the answer -- the pun here is "wrong on so many levels." The person who came up with this one definitely leveled up in the pun game.
Bill Gates Approves

Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself would probably approve of these Microsoft Office program puns. The next time you update your resume or have a job interview, see how many Office related puns you can squeeze in. We bet it'll really point to your power in the office.
Regular, Not Diet, Please

We're going to give you a moment to digest this pun, since it might not be obvious right off the bat. If you're struggling, two words: "mini" and "soda." Now do you get it? His favorite state is Minnesota! We've got a great high-speed chase pun in a slide coming up.
We See What You Did There

We're all about candy-related puns, and this "I've got a few Twix up my sleeve" pun is no exception. The next time David Blaine decides to put on a show, he should totally tell the audience he has a few tricks up his sleeve and toss Twix bars to them.
No Dating Profile Needed

The hint is in the header, but if you're still scratching your head over what the pun for these two horses kissing is supposed to be, it's "a stable relationship." Two horses kissing while in a stable -- zing! If only we could all be so lucky.
He Stopped? What A Cop Out

Whoever came up with this breaking news description clearly deserves a raise. Even though the arresting police officer got more than he bargained for on that traffic stop, we're betting even he got a kick out of this after the situation was handled.
Holy Puns, Batman!

This pun would definitely be a little harder to get without the answer on the image, but we do admire the cleverness of it. In case you're wondering, they got to Christian Bale from a cross on a bale of hay. Here's the breakdown -- "" equals "Christian Bale."
The Theory Of Everything

For our last pun in the slideshow, we give you the building block of matter — the atom. This is probably the nerdiest pun in this slideshow, and it's awesome. We look forward to seeing the marquee sign being updated to "What did the angry electron say when it was repelled? Let me atom!"