The Most Amusing Photobombs In Sports That Deserve To Be Framed

Photobombing is the easiest way to ruin someone’s photo. You’re disrupting someone’s photograph by being creepy while you get in the middle of the photo. It’s one thing for you to draw attention towards yourself when you aren’t the star of the shot. It’s a harmless prank that’s been around since people were taking photos, and your parents are probably guilty of doing this too. Thanks to social media and the internet, photobombs are plastered everywhere. Some even come from the most popular athletes, or just a random fan who just wanted their 15 seconds of fame. No matter what they did, these bombs deserve to be recognized.

More Than One Photobomb

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There are multiple photobombs going on here. Can you spot them? Well, let’s point it out. You got the guy in the back waving, who kind of looks like Chris Christie. Then, you got the redheaded kid who might be looking for his family. Honestly, this would make one great family photo.