Sad Signs That You’re Broke AF And Need To Pinch Every Penny Possible

A dollar is what I need.

Even though we get a paycheck, sometimes, it feels like that’s not enough to get by. You have to use the money for groceries, bills, rent, and student loans. As soon as those responsibilities are paid off, there’s barely any money left to treat yourself on a drizzly Sunday. Our financial situations differ, but it can go a long way when it comes to getting a hot lunch at school. At this point, just hope that these folks will someday win the lottery and their nightmare finally comes to an end.

Negative Dollars

Negative Dollars.jpg

This is the perfect example of a night out drinking. You spend money, but the thought of how much isn’t entirely there. It’s only until the next morning when you wake up and realize you’re broke. It’s a scary aftermath that only happens to college students.