Reasons Why Your Siblings Simply Cannot Be Trusted

Siblings always get the best of each other.

For anyone who grew up with a sibling, you know about the dirty tricks they tend to pull. These individuals can be skeevy, and a bunch of crazies ‘you know what’s’ to the point where parents have to come in. Although, there will be times when you look at the past with your siblings fondly. Times of reflection, laughter, and moments of embarrassment that they shouldn’t know about. Outside of that, if you were an only child, well, just be blessed this wasn’t your childhood.

She’s Asking For It

She's Asking For It.jpg

Whenever her siblings aren’t around, she’s not used to being roasted. So, she took things into her own hands with this. She wants to be roasted by her good pals on Reddit. You know, the page of discussion filled with everything. Let’s hope she’s only doing this to troll her siblings.