Proof Your Boyfriend Is Trying, But He’ll Probably Never Figure It Out

Often times it’s the thought that counts. Half of the battle is just showing up, and then after that, it’s about trying your best and going for it. Unfortunately, just because you show up, or just because you try your best, it doesn’t mean that the result will be what you want it to be.

This article hilariously shows that sometimes (often) boyfriends just get it wrong. Whether it’s a birthday present, a date night, or just everyday banter, the struggle can be very real for him. Enjoy.

“I’ll Have Whatever”

Please Have Whatever.jpg

There’s a difference between being easy-going and just counterproductive. It’s like when you ask someone where they want to go out to eat and they say they don’t care, but they obviously do! This doesn’t help the situation if you’re indecisive because it makes other people have to guess what you want.