Police Officers Share Some Of The Stupidest Things They’ve Heard On The Job

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

For some of us, Cops was one of the most extreme shows on TV. Then, Let’s Be Cops came out and that made people miss Cops even more. Although the show is still on the TV waves, it didn’t stop former police officers from sharing their not-so-heroic moments. These moments are so stupid that you’ll probably end up in a fit of laughter. One moment’s so dumb that one kid ratted out their mom to the cop out of panic. There’s more to it than that, but these stories are totally one of a kind.

Man Witnesses Murder

Man Witnesses Murder.jpg

No, he didn’t come from a murder mystery party. It really makes you wonder if the cops took this guy seriously or not. I mean, drinking does so many strange things to our minds. Whatever it was that he saw, he did the smart thing. Also, he probably wanted a mugshot to prove he’s a badass.