Photos That Prove The Hilarious Struggles Of Parenting

Most parents really do give it the ol’ college try when it comes to raising their kids right. It’s just some parents aren’t set out for it as much as others. If you have kids you’re fully aware that literally anything can happen at any time and to be prepared for all obstacles you’re tasked with just isn’t possible.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned because most of the time there really is no plan to begin with. This is a hilarious list that proves that no matter how bad of a job you think you’re doing, it’s not as bad as these.

Face Plants

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How many baby faceplants have you seen in your day? Probably at least 10, and then add another five from your drunk uncle Ken who doesn’t get along with any staircase. This little guy lost his footing on the beach and took a hard tumble with no parenting safety net nearby.