Just A Bunch Of Perfectly Timed Photos That Somehow Got Captured

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what happens when a picture leaves you speechless? I can imagine when someone captures a picture at the perfect moment they have a moment where they just don't believe their eyes.

I mean, would you if you captured a picture that looks like it captured the moment from the future? Or how about the extent of your adorable cat's yawn?

They Look So Concerned

a picture taken the exact moment a photographer falls over
Photo Credit: Reddit / BufordTeeJustice
Photo Credit: Reddit / BufordTeeJustice

This picture was taken at the exact moment that the wedding photographer fell over trying to take this shot. It was lucky he still hit the capture button because this would make a hilarious addition to the wedding album.

While some of the wedding party look concerned for the photographer's well-being, you see the three girls on the right who are smiling! I wonder if they feel guilty now that there's evidence...


A Ghost!

a woman shaking out a sheet makes it look like a ghost
Photo Credit: Imgur / lamkaeysersoze
Photo Credit: Imgur / lamkaeysersoze

It's hard to believe that this isn't photoshopped. The sheet looks just like a spooky ghost so much that I'm not fully convinced there isn't someone hiding under that sheet. This woman appears like she has no idea what she has created in front of her.


Meanwhile, someone from the street or maybe an apartment below captured the perfectly-timed moment. Seriously... how is this not a real ghost? I just got chills...


Uh Oh

a dog and bee
Photo Credit: Reddit / x_FaIleN_x
Photo Credit: Reddit / x_FaIleN_x

This will be a learning moment in this little pup's life. He will either let the bee be and mind its own business, or he will try and chomp on it and end up with swollen lips. More often than not, it seems that puppies choose to let their curiosity get the better of them.


If they did go for the bee, this photo is the perfect "before" moment. Just another day in the life of a puppy.


Something Seems Fishy

the reflection of a bride makes it look like she is kissing a shark
Photo Credit: Reddit / RagsyBoy
Photo Credit: Reddit / RagsyBoy

Having your wedding in an aquarium is a neat idea for a lot of reasons, but I wouldn't have even thought of the photo potential! I'm glad they captured this moment, even if it was by accident.


Not only is the bride pictured kissing her new husband, but her reflection is captured kissing a shark! Until death do us part, so it goes. May love last or be fed to the sharks!


This Is Kind Of Spooky

a picture taken shows the reflection of a cat with its eyes open
Photo Credit: Reddit / SlushyJayJay
Photo Credit: Reddit / SlushyJayJay

The cat has their eyes closed, but in their reflection, they're still open. The cat must have closed its eyes like the moment the picture was taken to get such a neat result. Either that or this owner should be afraid to have their cat sleep in the same room as them at night.


Cats' eyes have a "shining layer" that reflects light back. It's just creepy that their eyes are closed in this photo!


Is That An Eclipse?

a basketball perfectly placed over the sun
Photo Credit: Reddit / MDPPatrick
Photo Credit: Reddit / MDPPatrick

It's actually someone who took a perfect shot in basketball. Lucky, someone was there to take a picture right as the ball crossed over the sun. That's some pretty impeccable timing.


The ball has a nice glow around the edges from the sun behind it, without any blurring. You can see the bottom of the chainlink basketball hoop at the top of the photo. The silhouettes here are pretty amazing!


I Almost Missed This

a picture of someone throwing a frisbee
Photo Credit: Reddit / Modano1509
Photo Credit: Reddit / Modano1509

It's another case of two different moments happening in the same picture. In the person's shadow, they've already released the frisbee, but it's still in their hand. The person who took this photo explained it's because a phone camera doesn't take a picture all at once, but in fractions of seconds.


The longer you stare at the image, the weirder it gets! I'd have to say that either this is a perfectly-timed photo or some magic is happening.


This Looks Fake

a wave coming over a stone
Photo Credit: Reddit / VladimirPukinn
Photo Credit: Reddit / VladimirPukinn

It's like a little tiny foamy blanket tucking that rock in. The way it's splashing over the rock is just too perfect. It's like nature's version of making a perfect checkmark.


While there is plenty of beach stretching down the way, the photographer decided to focus on this particular rock and ended up capturing something spectacular. There's something peaceful about the way it created a protective blanket with the sea foam at just the right time.


This Is Beautiful!

three deer that look like one
Photo Credit: Reddit / Frocky
Photo Credit: Reddit / Frocky

These deer probably knew that they were having their picture taken, so they were like 'how can we freak out the humans the most? I know! Look like a weird fairytale creature.'


Incredibly, there are three deer in this amazing wildlife image captured on a snowy day. This photographer must have done their best to follow them quietly, as they weren't too afraid of the, and didn't run away when they heard them coming.


What Are The Chances?

birds flying in the shape of a bird
Photo Credit: Reddit / SuitingUncle620
Photo Credit: Reddit / SuitingUncle620

This bunch of starlings were heading off for their seasonal migration when this person grabbed a picture of the starlings in the shape of a starling! That is pretty amazing. Seeing images like this leave me in awe of how beautiful nature truly is.


The mesmerizing communication between the many birds in one flock is truly something beautiful to witness! What an incredible sunset image that turned into something so much more.


Oh My Gosh

cat yawning
Photo Credit: Reddit / mrnigghigga
Photo Credit: Reddit / mrnigghigga

I have tried so many times to get a picture like this of my cats but they just yawn too fast! It looks like he's having some strong opinions about some things and he wants us to hear them.


From this angle and perfect timing, this cat looks like quite the ferocious furry beast! I would bet that the cat's owner was actually trying to take a photo of their face, but got something much different instead.


In Rhythm With Nature

perfectly timed beach day

When you go with the flow of nature, incredible things happen! This woman was sitting behind just the right amount of sand pushed into a pile to capture this shot. The wave hit the rock while she's perfectly relaxed in her meditative position.


The photo was taken at just the right time, as the water explodes around her like a sun or strong beam of light. I wonder if this was the first take!


How Cute Is This?

a fox mid jump
Photo Credit: Reddit / GallowBoob
Photo Credit: Reddit / GallowBoob

This belongs in some sort of children's book that rhymes or something. The little guy jumping in the air looks so gleeful! I hope they stay friends forever and ever. There's nothing quite as entertaining as little foxes playing!


Seeing them stopped in motion is even more incredible.I know that the sitting fox will feel compelled to answer back to his friend with his own fancy moves! I could watch these foxes play all day.


There Is A Lot To Take In Here

basketball player falling on celebs
Photo Credit: Reddit / bojangles1234567
Photo Credit: Reddit / bojangles1234567

Is it just me or does this picture kind of look like a Renaissance painting? For real, though, I hope that Chrissy and John get a copy of this and hang it up in their house.


Their night could possibly be ruined, as they're now covered in drinks and food. Who wants to sit courtside when your outfit is stained?! Meanwhile, Dwayne Wade is still focused on the ball, like a true professional.


There Can Only Be One!

someone high fiving someone but hitting someone in the face
Reddit / m0rris0n_hotel
Reddit / m0rris0n_hotel

I'm sure if anyone asks, he will tell you that this was a mistake and that he was simply reaching for that finish line high five, but I don't believe it! Not for a second! I just hope that the two didn't run the race together.


If the woman receiving the accidental backhand happens to be his wife, there's a good chance that he won't ever live this one down. Not when there's photographic proof!


Look Out!

a snowball coming toward the camera
Photo Credit: Reddit / Volcomstonr986
Photo Credit: Reddit / Volcomstonr986

This photo captures the last three seconds of these two men's friendship with one another. The guy on the right there is just locked and loaded, ready to go! Don't mess with him.


The one taking the selfie likely didn't grow up around the snow, otherwise, he would know by now that you never turn your back on an active snowball fight! That's okay. He's about to learn his lesson.


So Long Ice Cream

a seagull eating someone's ice cream
Photo Credit: Reddit / sophielola_
Photo Credit: Reddit / sophielola_

This seagull doesn't even care that he's ruining this person's day. Look at his eyes, he's dead inside. I hope he enjoyed his stolen ice cream, though! Maybe it will be just what he needs.


The person who took this photo was probably trying to capture a photo of their peaceful, perfect day along the shore. Meanwhile, the seagull was waiting and plotting for just the right moment before diving in.


These Parents Tricked Him Good

a kid running away from a statue
Photo Credit: Reddit / GallowBoob
Photo Credit: Reddit / GallowBoob

While on vacation, the parents of this young man thought it would be funny to tell their child that the statue he was standing next to was falling over, and of course, snap a pic. This young gent of course took the warning seriously and tried to run as fast as he could!


The result is nothing short of adorable. Although he might not believe his parents next time they cry "wolf!"


What A Pretty Rainbow?

rainbow lightening
Photo Credit: Reddit / manna_tee
Photo Credit: Reddit / manna_tee

Nature is terrifying, and this is just proof. One second you think 'wow, what a beautiful rainbow' and then the next second it comes at you with some purple fork lightning, just to keep you on your toes.


It appears that there's something other than gold at the end of this enraged rainbow. Nature seems to be attempting too much at once! Should we stand in awe, or run for cover?


Well, This Is Tragic

someone accidentally spilling pop on a person's face
Photo Credit: Reddit / drumsofdoom
Photo Credit: Reddit / drumsofdoom

I'm not sure how else they thought this was going to go, to be honest. If you turn a bottle over, the whole contents are going to spill out and splash in someone's face. Maybe they were trying to go for a waterfall effect, like pouring a drink down a shute made of ice.


The only thing they're forgetting is that those are custom and professionally made to make the drink glide that way!


I Would Love To Know The Back Story Here

a goat charging at a girl
Photo Credit: Reddit / pablopangiagua
Photo Credit: Reddit / pablopangiagua

This is probably the start of what will turn into a lifetime fear of goats. They're so unpredictable! Like, she probably wasn't doing anything to get that goat all worked up.


Then again, this is probably the reason that people don't usually bring their goats indoors. You just never know what they're thinking. Good luck getting that goat out of the house without absolute and complete mayhem unfolding. Hide the valuables!


Wow, Who Is He?

a cat peaking over a bag makes it look like he has a muscular body
Photo Credit: Reddit / jerip123
Photo Credit: Reddit / jerip123

I would totally swipe right on this guy if I saw him on Tinder. There's something about his eyes, he's just so confident and alluring. Plus, he's a model, so need I say more?


I can only hope that someone else didn't catch his eye sooner. He just appears to have the purr-fect body type. It's rare to find someone who is this uniquely good-looking. Once in a lifetime you might say.


This Night Isn't Going As Planned

a drink splashing up while the picture is being taken
Photo Credit: Reddit / I_LIKE_TO_EAT_PUPS
Photo Credit: Reddit / I_LIKE_TO_EAT_PUPS

He looks like he knows what is about to happen so he's just going to enjoy this one last moment of civility. The shadows on her face are kind of cool, though.You know, right before she gets really upset that she's covered in a drink and can no longer comfortably enjoy the rest of the night.


But hey, that's what parties are all about. Making memories. And accidents. Mostly accidents...


Take A Deep Breath

some breathing in looks like they're sniffing hair
Photo Credit: Imgur / bvuu
Photo Credit: Imgur / bvuu

Don't you just love it when you have friends who have really good smelling hair? The way that a hair product smells is pretty much as important as what it does. She was lucky enough to be downwind of her friend when the breeze hit.


Ahh yaas. Smells like spring. What a glorious day in the city by the bay. Such a wonderful day to be alive, you guys. Smells like a dream.


A Once In A Lifetime Shot

two shadows look like they're in love
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

This picture kind of makes me believe in fate, because this is truly a once in a lifetime shot. I wonder if those two people will ever cross paths again or if it was just a fleeting moment. This man noticed the woman walking past him, but did she notice him?


This could be the universe's way of showing that they're meant to be together... if only she was looking the right way!


The Flying Dutchman?

a tower that looks like it's a ship in the clouds
Photo Credit: Imgur
Photo Credit: Imgur

100% I thought this was a picture of a boat when I saw this the first time, but it is actually a picture of the Sutro Tower in San Francisco peaking over the clouds. The fog is so thick it gives the illusion that the majority of the structure is missing.


San Franciscans are used to seeing this, however. As the quote goes, the coldest winter you'll experience is a summer in San Francisco.


I Knew It!

a dog looks like it's trapped in a bubble
Photo Credit: Imgur / Fizzgig11
Photo Credit: Imgur / Fizzgig11

Dogs are too pure for this world, so they had to come down to us from heaven. This little guy has descended from the clouds to bring us all his love and cheer. This perfectly-timed photo shows this playful pooch floating in a rainbow bubble.


Up, up and away they go! It almost looks like they're playing in a hamster ball, only dog-sized. This photo definitely made me look twice!


This Is Scary

a kid looks like he is an old man
Photo Credit: Imgur
Photo Credit: Imgur

The way this kid looks at the exact moment he starts sliding makes it look like he's a little Benjamin Button where people age backward. He looks like an old man!


Even the kid in the background senses that something strange is going on. Rather than looking youthful and full of joy, the kid sliding down mimicking an airplane looks like he's worn out and has seen many, many days.


What A Classic Selfie

someone took a selfie the moment they sneezed
Photo Credit: Imgur / Cygnets
Photo Credit: Imgur / Cygnets

What are the chances that you would still have the ability to snap a picture while you sneeze? I've always wondered what my sneezing face looks like but have never been able to see it.


I should have suspected that it wouldn't make for an attractive photo though. Maybe they're trying to prove that they're to sick to go to class. If that's the case, this is the perfect sneezing selfie for proof!


Wear A Helmet

some rode their bike right into the pole
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think that this person made a sound when they hit the pole or did they just pick up their bike and get back on their way? Hopefully, someone at least asked if he was OK.


There doesn't seem to be much foot traffic or other distractions that kept this person from looking ahead of them, yet the moment still hit. And boy did it hit hard. That will leave a mark.


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

a person doing a presentation
Photo Credit: Reddt / DedRuck
Photo Credit: Reddt / DedRuck

This is exactly what it feels like to give a presentation of any capacity. Standing up in front of people is terrifying and you get all sweaty. It's really not a good scene. This professor could clearly use some "help" as they're sitting in front of the projector, blocking the presentation that they prepared.


He definitely looks like he'd rather be somewhere else right now. And likely, so do the students... this is awkward.