People Who Will Do Anything To Keep Their Personal Space

There are two types of people out there, ones that need to be around people at all times and those that would rather be alone with no one within 500 feet of them. Personal space is a sacred entity that some look to protect more than others.

Certain people really value not being around people, and to some extent, it’s certainly warranted. These are the people who will give you the death stare in the grocery store if your baggy sweater even brushes onto them in passing. This is a list of those people whose ability to squirm through life is really, really entertaining. Enjoy.

Coldest Day Of The Year

Personal SPace Bus Stop.jpg

Even during the coldest day of the year, Finnish people still need their personal space. These public transportation goers are showing quite evidently that they value their space more than they value not getting hypothermia. The spacing between each is consistent and clear as to their goals.