People Who Took Things Just A Little Too Far
We don’t all share the same sense of humor or the same views on life. Some people are huge jerks who just don’t give a damn and other people think their jokes are funny when in reality, they are taking things too far. From stabby squirrels to rebel unicyclists, these people prove that sometimes people take things a little bit too far.
Some of our favorite instigators deserve to be locked up and others probably had no idea that what they were doing was going to piss off complete strangers.
If you’re a pumpkin spice fiend, prepare to lose your lunch when you see what one grocery store did with a piece of salmon.
Squirrels Are Weapons

This wife used a cute little squirrel to stab her husband. We bet your brain is churning over all the possibilities for this one. Perhaps she used the squirrel’s teeth to attack her spouse? It turns out she actually used a ceramic squirrel! Sure this headline is incredibly misleading but it probably got people to tune in to the news at noon. In any case, she attacked her husband with a squirrel when there were so many better (worse!!!) options.