People Who Thought They Were Capturing A Moment, But We All Know Better

Moments aren’t made, moments are created. Whether it’s a graduation picture on a massive fountain or a perfect wedding photo, sometimes these moments don’t end up the way that you want them to.

Not everything goes as planned. Sometimes, you want to take that graduation picture near a fountain and then fall into it. Sometimes that perfect wedding photo on a horse turns into you getting bucked off that horse and thrown into the mud. Nonetheless, we as observers are kind of happy about it because it makes for some hilarious pictures.

That’s A Painful Mistake

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What a beautiful photo of a young lady getting ready to hit the bullseye. Posing with guns has become something that many Americans do, but usually, we’re not all that worried for their safety like we are for this girl. If she pulls the trigger she can basically expect to be blind for the rest of her life because that scope is going to destroy her face upon recoil.