People Who Saw Their Moment And Wouldn’t Let Anything Stand In Their Way

We’ve all had that one moment in our lives where something just so perfect happened. People will do anything to make sure that perfect moment isn’t altered thanks to some idiot. Nonetheless, the perfect moment could be anything, especially if it means running through traffic just to get the perfect picture. No matter what it is, we think it’s an accomplishment that was just waiting to happen. These folks clearly went above and beyond to make sure they were in the right place at the right time.

Bacon Or Cinnamon?

Bacon Grease.jpg

Ugh, this will make you gag a bit. It might look like cinnamon frosting, but it’s actually bacon grease. The person who used their finger to lick the ‘frosting’ would be so crushed to find out what they just ate. The poor soul is probably in the bathroom as we speak.