People Who Put In The Work To Make A Buck Or Two

Some people would just rather sit at home and watch movies, while others are all about the dough. Like it or not, money is the motivating factor to get up in the morning for a lot of people. These hustlers won’t stop at anything to get that extra dollar and the mentality is contagious.

As you’ll see on this list, the hustle starts really early for some people. Whether it’s selling playing cards at recess or their snacks at lunch, as long as there’s a deal to be made they’re going to be there.

“Listen Here, All Your Problems Can Be Solved By Binge Eating Gummy Worms, Trust Me”


We all need a little advice from time-to-time. For those big moments that you can’t call your mom and vent about, sometimes it pays off to have a trusted stranger to help you out. Taking the mantle from Lucy, this kid set up shop to hear people out, and for $2, it’s an absolute steal.