People Who Put 2 And 2 Together, And I’m Visibly Upset

In dire situations, we try to put two things together. Whatever it is, we just hope for the best possible outcome. However, 2 and 2 doesn’t always equal 4, and sometimes it can be a disastrous result. It’s not like the world is going to end or anything, but it’s disappointing. Face swaps come to mind if you do it horribly wrong, and who knew that ramen noodles could be straightened? There are just some things that make you wonder how exactly people came up with these ideas.

When You Don’t Get Married

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Some people settle down, while others don’t. It’s obvious there is a difference between the two. You either want to get married and be a parent, or push it aside and fulfill your dreams. Whatever path you choose, don’t be upset with the decision you made.